Community Residences

In response to the unique needs of our clients, we opened our first community residence in 2013. Samaritan Daytop Village's "Veritas House" is a supportive transitional housing facility for clients engaged in intensive outpatient substance use treatment.
Veritas House is a 36-bed facility located in upper Manhattan. It offers a structured, drug- and alcohol-free environment designed to enhance the client’s progress toward recovery where they learn the life skills necessary to live independently and obtain gainful employment. While at Veritas House, residents are integrated into the community and connected to recovery-oriented systems of care throughout New York City.
In addition to a dedicated focus on connecting residents to permanent housing and vocational and employment resources, programming includes weekly in-house group sessions on wellness, self-care, budgeting and nutrition. Similar to other Samaritan Daytop Village treatment programs, residents will be linked to primary and specialty medical and mental health care support. Additionally, residents’ progress will be evaluated monthly by in-house case managers for possible subsidies and/or supportive housing opportunities.
For more information on all of Samaritan Daytop Village’s treatment programs for drug and alcohol use, review our Frequently Asked Questions, e-mail our Admissions Department, or call Admissions at (718) 657-6195 or (855) 322-4357 (HELP).